Boat Pose

Is your body in balance?

Hello! My name is Daisy. I am a physical therapist, yoga teacher, and mother of two. Why am I starting this blog? Aren’t there enough yoga blogs out there?

Well, my intention for this blog is to help you individualize your yoga practice. Instead of showing you how to achieve different yoga poses, I will show you how to use yoga to make your body more balanced.

Painful movement

As a physical therapist, I see people with painful movement. The movement is painful because something in the body is out of balance. This can be due to poor posture from years sitting at a desk, too many miles running without cross training, or slipping on the ice. The pain is the body’s latest manifestation of that imbalance.

Yoga asana can help or hurt

Wait… you already do yoga to keep your body in balance? That is wonderful! However, I am here to tell you that some people are creating problems (or perpetuating existing problems) by the way they do yoga.

Yoga can be amazing for the body. The thing is: certain postures can easily be pushed too far into the range of motion, contributing to hypermobility. It is this hypermobility (being too flexible at a certain joint) that causes the pain. The tricky thing is that it doesn’t hurt at first. In fact, you might practice a pose this way for a long time before you feel any symptoms.


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